Local Community Involvement
Working Together for a Sustainable Future and a Strong Region
14 February, 2024 by
Local Community Involvement
Ida Müller

What CSR means to us

Every company has a social responsibility in terms of sustainable business practices. At OBS Group, however, our focus is not only on economic success, but also on our commitment to society, the environment and local communities. We combine CSR with the opportunity to make a positive difference and take responsibility for the region. Today we would like to give you an insight into the CSR activities of the OBS Group and introduce you to three of them.

1. Raffle at Josefshaus Dumicke

One of our CSR activities is the raffle at Josefshaus Dumicke. We contributed two vouchers for Europapark so that the children and young people could have a great time together. We also put together an OBS package with various goodies to enhance the raffle.

2. Toys for the Rehringhausen playground

Another project close to our hearts is the support of the playground in Rehringhausen. Our goal is to bring happiness to the children of the local community by donating toys.

3. Gerberweg Nursing Home

Not only do we care about the younger generation, but we also care about the elderly members of our community. That is why we made a donation to the Gerberweg Nursing Home for their Christmas party and New Year's brunch.

Other CSR Programs

At OBS Group, we have developed a flexible CSR program where we support various organizations and associations on a quarterly basis. Our focus is to help where it is most needed. This flexibility allows us to respond dynamically to the current needs of the community. It is important for us to take responsibility for the region and to integrate social commitment as an integral part of our corporate philosophy, and we look forward to sharing more of our CSR activities with you in the coming months.

Local Community Involvement
Ida Müller 14 February, 2024
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