New Work at OBS Group
And what it means to us
18 January, 2024 by
New Work at OBS Group
Ida Müller

The fields of New Work

The topic of New Work and how it is lived out are reflected in several fields of our company. We would like to take a closer look at these by answering the following questions in this blog post:

1. Where do we work?
2. How do we work, and in what kind of structures?
3. What value do we provide to our customers?
4. How do we strengthen the know-how of our employees?

New Work

Where do we work?

Here at OBS Group, our team members are able to choose where they want to work and whether they prefer to work from home or in the office. Each person is free to plan their office days to fit their needs and schedule. Flexible online communication through platforms such as Google Meet, Teams and Skype allows us to stay connected despite physical distance. In the office, meeting and brainstorming rooms encourage collaboration, and walks with our office dogs are part of our daily routine.

How do we work, and in what 
kind of structures?

The OBS Group is all about flexibility. Our employees have the opportunity to work flexible hours and follow their individual rhythm - whether they are early risers or night owls. At OBS Group, all team members meet as equals and agile structures replace rigid hierarchies. Flexible role structures and open communication in the open-space office promote collaboration and enable rapid career advancement. Equipping our employees with laptops, mobile phones, headsets and other gadgets is a matter of course for us, and ergonomic chairs and height-adjustable desks are also standard office equipment.

What value do we provide
to our customers?

Digitalization and multichannel communications allow us to reach our customers through online and offline channels. This not only leads to greater efficiency, but also to working opportunities for our employees that are independent of time and place. New Work offers opportunities for our employees and brings many benefits to the company itself. Independent, networked teams contribute to the company's innovative power and strengthen its competitiveness. It is a win-win situation that benefits both our employees and our customers, and from which a cooperative partnership can develop. In short, New Work creates innovative and dedicated teams that lead to better results and customer-oriented service in the long run.

How do we strengthen the 
know-how of our employees?

We lay the foundation for successful collaboration during onboarding. This allows our employees to learn the company's software and structures and gain a deep insight into the company's processes. Internal knowledge sharing and regular training sessions, led by our team experts, promote continuous development. Various internal training courses and workshops cover a wide range of topics, from team communication to customer-related topics, to ensure that each team member can strengthen the skills and knowledge relevant to their role. External training is offered on an individual basis to develop specific skills.

New Work at OBS Group means not only modern working methods, but also a profound change in our work culture. Flexibility, innovation and customer satisfaction are our focus, and investing in the know-how of our employees is the key to long-term success. Find out more about our approach and the sharing of best practices in the OBS Group in the next blog article.

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New Work at OBS Group
Ida Müller 18 January, 2024
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